Clear the clouds of the astral body and let the sun shine through!
As energetic or emotional charges in the astral body get de-charged through IST the Ego has much more ability to penetrate into the etheric and create a vibrant, awakened state.
Ready for More
Today one of my regular clients showed up for her weekly IST appointment. I could see that something had shifted in her but I wasn’t sure what it was until we entered the inner space of consciousness together. At first there was the hesitation, not wanting to be visible but then there was a clear sense of light in the room. I could feel her move toward this feeling of vulnerability and then pop through the other side, embracing and melting into the light. Glorious!!
What really does the healing?
The more I work with subtle bodies the more healing becomes a cosmic wonder to me. Letting the Ego (or Higher Self) shine into the lower complex creates such amazing shifts. I love that I get to witness this in my own subtle bodies as well as those of my IST clients.