Universal Healing Cell???

Is Stem Cell Treatment the Answer for Broken Bones?

Scientists at an Israeli University are hailing stem cells as a potential answer to the treatment of fractures, but are stem cell treatments the best option for healing broken bones? According to an article, published by Hebrew University researchers in the medical journal “Stem Cells”, patients with complex bone fractures showed positive results after being treated using stem cell methodology.

Stem Cells to Treat Broken Bones

The method, which is being hailed as a significant advancement in stem cell treatments for fractures and breaks, involves the isolation of multi-potent stem cells (or MSCs) which, broadly speaking, may be used as a universal healing cell, as they are capable of identifying and replicating the tissues that require replacement.

In the past the use of MSCs was limited due to the fact that the isolation and incubation process was a lengthy one, involving extensive laboratory hours to harvest the necessary cells for treatment. However, the Hebrew University researchers claim to have perfected a new form of cell recovery called immune isolation, which allows the cells to be harvested from the bone or fat of the patient and used immediately in a therapeutic fashion. The researchers concluded that the new method could greatly improve the prognosis of individuals with severe injuries including bone fractures and tendon tears.