In essence, space clearing takes a space that has chaos or confusion in it and brings it into alignment. Then the client adds in their highest aspirations and voila! The result being a truly vibrant and supportive space… doesn’t get much better than that!
Just yesterday I worked with a client who lives in a 100 year old house. My first impression was not a good one. The previous family lived there for 40 years and had 9 (yes 9) children. The energy was oppressive and T_H_I_C_K. The thought did cross my mind to just tell my client to move, NOW! But my love for space clearing won and I accepted the mission. Could I make this place feel less ominous and more like a home? Well to my delight, I DID IT! My client was wonderful, engaged in each step of the process and willing to really ‘own’ this house and make it hers. By the time we were done this was a place I’d be happy to meditate in. The energy of the house came back to life and felt loving and peaceful!! Another success story…. Boy, do I love space clearing!!!