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Awakening the Third Eye – LA  June 2 & 3, 2018

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This workshop is limited to 12 people to bring an intimate, high touch, personal experience to developing a meditation practice.


1830 Lincoln Blvd,

Santa Monica, CA 90404

Date & Time
June 2 & 3, 2018
Sat: 9:30am – 4:30pm / Sun: 9:30am – 4:30pm

Price: $275        Early Bird Price:  $245 (Early Bird Rate extended, just click the down arrow below)

For more information:   email:  clairvisionla@gmail.com or 760-815-6014

2 day Meditation workshop
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2 day Meditation Workshop


Awakening the Third Eye is a 2 day workshop designed for those who want direct experience of deeper states of consciousness, as well as those who want to learn skills for cultivating and managing their energy.

In this interactive workshop, you will be shown how you can make meditation work in your busy life with simple and effective techniques.  The result will be a sense of awakening that has the potential to renew and invigorate your passion for life.

You’ll learn:

  • A structured 3rd eye, 20 minute meditation technique presented in clear steps to make it repeatable at home.
  • Techniques for energetic protection and grounding to avoid being drained by your daily tasks.
  • Systematic ways to sharpen your subtle senses for enhanced intuition and non-physical vision.
  • A technique for recuperation and relaxation for fast recovery and improved sleep.
  • Heart opening to become more present and receptive in life.

Click below for more information
Click here for Q & A about the workshop

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What people are saying about this workshop:

I liked learning hands-on tools for something that’s normally esoteric and mysterious.  I’d already had a good grasp of how these energetic things were working in me, but this workshop made it so much more practical, applicable, and clear.  ~Timm Romine, Filmmaker and Writer, Los Angeles

I liked the guided meditations the best. They were comfortable and the group energy intensified the experience.  My greatest take away was the experience of heightened awareness I felt of the third eye after the group meditations. I could feel an almost tactile vibration coming from my third eye after the Saturday session and it was perfect.  ~Keith K, Los Angeles

Thank you Wenndi, for a great workshop! I’ve got plenty of additional tools to step my meditating practice up to a new level. What you taught was clear, practical, and organized processes, as well as encouraging our own exploration and experiences.  Diane R – Oceanside, CA

Great information – very expanding and inspiring, practical too! The techniques are powerful but gentle, so I appreciated the experience was not too overwhelming. Wenndi is a strong instructor – very clear and comprehensive, also set good boundaries while facilitating discussions. Really nice community of friendly sincere seekers. I have taken a number of spiritual workshops and this was one of the best!  ~ Lisa L, Los Angeles, CA

This was such a wonderful weekend. I loved the beautiful, light stillness that was created within this group. And Wenndi’s guidance, knowledge and presence brought clarity, insights and fun. I have been to Wenndi’s meditation workshops before and each time has brought my own practice to higher levels. Thank you, Wenndi! ~Karolyn K. Oceanside, CA
