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Awakening the Third Eye

New Orleans, LA

A Meditation Workshop for 21st Century Spiritually

Awakening the Third Eye is a 2 day workshop designed for those who want direct experience of deeper states of consciousness, as well as those who want to learn skills for cultivating and managing their energy.

In this weekend course, you will learn a technique that develops awareness of the third eye, an energetic organ of perception. From this space of the third eye we will explore easy and powerful ways to incorporate what you are learning into your daily life. The result will be a sense of awakening that has the potential to renew and invigorate your passion for life.

Because these techniques are straight forward and immediate, you will experience tangible results in this intriguing interactive weekend. Continuing with the practices will enhance your spiritual aspiration and connect you with a profound inner strength and joy.

When: Sunday Oct 25th, 11am – 5pm
Monday Oct 26th,  9:30 – 5:00pm 

Where: Tibetan House, 4900 Tchoupitoulas St, New Orleans, Louisiana 70115

Pricing & Registration: Contact Gael: info@tibetanhouse.com
Phone: 504-330-3507

Wenndi will also be available for IST sessions and Space Clearing while in New Orleans
