New Home:
Whether you are buying, selling or renting a new home or office; space clearing should be one of the first steps you take. The energy in your home or office is not only affected by you and what you’ve experienced in that space but also by all the people who have lived or worked there in the past. Space Clearing is a way to clear out predecessor energy and bring in a sense of wellbeing and vitality.
Many people find when moving into a new home it takes a while for them to actually feel like it is theirs. A space clearing removes the ‘residue’ left by previous occupants making the home feel more comfortable right away. As an added bonus a space clearing immediately brings in the energy you want around you for support and success in your new residence.
When selling a home a space clearing can help bring the price and the people that you want for your home.
You may have noticed that some business locations continually seem to fail. Businesses come and go regularly and none seem to find the trick to being successful. In locations like this clearing predecessor energy is particularly important to ensure success of your new business rather than repeating the history that has been embedded in the building.
New Career
It’s easy to know when your career aligns with your sense of purpose and fulfillment but when it doesn’t it’s often difficult to determine what to do next.
Space Clearing your home can be a key ingredient in ushering in new opportunities. When you are surrounded by vital, flowing energy a feeling of support and safety is often the outcome, making change much less daunting. With renewed clarity in your environment there is room for inspiration; allowing a feeling of guidance and synchronicity to move you forward effortlessly. Almost as if your new career can find you!
New Baby
What is more precious than a new baby? A newborns’ energy is fragile and glorious; they are saturated with the light of angels. One way to create a proper welcome for the new member of your family is to space clear your home. This creates a sacred space for this little soul to arrive into, helping with the adjustment to life on earth.
Birthing a child is a beautiful and often messy process. If you are planning a home birth it is always beneficial to do a space clearing before the birth to set the space and after the birth to clear the space of any energetic debris.
New Relationship
Do you want to improve your existing relationship or are you ready to bring a new love into your life? Either way both space clearing and ISIS can help.
In relationships we often settle into predictable behaviors that soon become unconscious and routine. These patterns often need to be adjusted as one or both of the partners grow and change. If the routine or pattern is never questioned or brought to conscious awareness there’s not much chance of changing and the relationship begins to feel stagnant or stale. ISIS is a beautiful way to see your own entrenched routines, how and why they got started and feel the inspiration necessary for change. When sharing a home these patterns become ingrained in the home as well. A space clearing can bring in a new sense of passion and vitality to spice up your life and your relationship.
It is not uncommon for people to fear intimacy. They are uncomfortable with the idea of being vulnerable and this often will create a sense of separation or distance from others. When the desire is strong for a new relationship people usually find a way to open up to others, allow themselves to be seen and start to engage or connect with new people. If you are experiencing self-imposed blocks to relationships or if you have a way of sabotaging your relationships, ISIS can be just the thing for you.