The Simplicity of Inner Peace

Move beyond the grasping of the mind into states of Inner Peace. 

6 week online program

Success can sometimes come with a high price. Exhaustion, anxiety and poor health among the culprits. In this course you’ll find ways to sustain a sense of peace even in the most stressful situations while understanding what it is that interferes with your own inner peace and well-being.

You may be doing everything right and still find yourself over reacting or stressing out when it comes time for action and decision making.  It doesn’t have to be this way! In this course we’ll be looking at ways to sustain well-being and deconstruct unconscious beliefs that may be limiting your potential.


During this 6 week course you will learn and develop life-long tools that can transform the way you see and experience your life. You’ll feel a reconnection with the part of you that can think more clearly, respond more accurately and experience joy and wonder.

During this course you will receive:

  • An audio recording that will set the context for each week

  • Written material to expand on the topic of the week

  • Additional techniques to cultivate your own sense of inner peace, clarity and joy

Invest in your most valuable asset!  Your own inner peace.

Investment: $197

Register Here:

A deeper look into this program:

“The Simplicity of Inner Peace” is a 6week online program that you can do at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes audio recordings, study material in written form and additional techniques to practice on your own.

Week 1:  Simplicity, clarity and letting go

  • You are not your thoughts or your issues.
  • Letting go into clarity and simplicity does not have to be hard.
  • Getting closer to your Inner Self means you no longer have to look outside for peace, love or acceptance.

Week 2:  The grasping nature of the mind

  • Explore the grasping nature of the mind and understand why it is worse in the 21st century than ever before.
  • How an energy based meditation can bring relief from the grasping of the mind
  • Experience a guided centering practice

Week 3: The buffering effect of meditation

  • Reactions happen in meditation as well as in daily life
  • Learn about ways to become less reactive even in stressful situations
  • Understand what limiting belief systems are holding you back from reaching your full potential

Week 4: The Subtle energy bodies

  • Understand that you are way more than just your physical body
  • Experience you own subtle energy
  • How to handle thoughts or pain in the body while meditating

Week 5: Creating space for your meditation

  • How to create a space that is supportive for your meditation practice
  • Why regularity and routines are so important
  • An insight into candles – not all candles are created equal!

Week 6: Simplicity within

  • Bringing it all together
  • The power of joy, truth and child-like wonder
  • Final practice

Register Here: