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The Simplicity of Inner Peace: Module 5

Click below to listen to audio #5

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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For those of you who like to read along while you listen to the audio click the link below for the transcription of audio 5.

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By clicking on the link below you can download the written material for this module:

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Bonuses for Module 5

20 minute meditation with Throat Friction
Click below to listen to the meditation

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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32 minute lying down practice for quick recovery and deep sleep

This practice can be used right before going to sleep as a way to move into a deeper sleep or as a quick recovery technique during the day
Click below to listen to the lying down practice

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

download audio file
