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The Simplicity of Inner Peace: Module 6

Click below to listen to audio #6

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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For those of you who like to read along while you listen to the audio click the link below for the transcription of audio 6.

download audio transcription

By clicking on the link below you can download the written material for this module:

download the written material

Bonuses for Module 6

Click below to listen to the meditations. They vary in length to meet the needs of your day.

8 minute meditation (letting go and spreading)

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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10 minute meditation (internalization toward stillness)

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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20 minute meditation (buoyancy, joy and light)

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

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If you liked the final meditation at the end of audio #6 you can listen to it on it’s own here:

Final Meditation from Audio #6

You can download this audio file to your computer by clicking the link below:

download audio file
